Be alert and of a sober mind…(1 Peter 5:8)


Yes, he is seeking whom to devour. I got up this morning with a great motivation to spend a day fasting, praying and seeking God for direction in my life.

Then the ancient serpent showed up. As soon as I opened my door, my neighbor fell on me with insults.

It almost robbed me of my date with God. But as pondered on the issue trying to figure out just where I went wrong, my Daddy just reminded me that the devil is mad because I’m going on a date with Him.

The devil like a roaring lion is always roaming around looking for whom to devour. May you never be his victim. Remember, We are not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11).



The four deadly enemies of a Christian leader

As a Christian leader, your deadliest enemy is not the man next door who stares weirdly when you drive past to church; your worst enemy is right within.

Money: Yes, uncontrolled love and craving for money. Do you find yourself lying, cheating, swindling and even stealing in order to satisfy that insatiable urge to have more money? That enemy is out to ruin you. Face him squarely or he’ll destroy you.

Sex: What are you presently comprising just to satisfy that urge, that burning desire to be in their arms? Be sure you are not a victim of the spirit of lust or seduction, or both. That enemy will disgrace you when you least expect it.

Pride: You hate to be in a position of weakness; you always want to be at the top and in charge. You will intentionally hide the truth and engage in a lot of hypocrisy just to keep your pride. You hate to apologize even when you are sure you blew it. It’s hard for you to acknowledge you were at fault. Check your heart. That enemy will limit the extent to which God can use you.

Power: You can sacrifice everything and anything just to be “the one in charge here”. You hate to be the follower, even when you have much to learn from others. You want to teach everybody even when you’ve got nothing worth teaching. That enemy will keep you ignorant and empty, with the illusion that you know it all and can do it all. He will keep you from growing to greater heights.

We’ve got to always check our motives, re-examine our hearts each step of the journey. Our sincerity with God will earn us His timely intervention and save us  lots of future embarrassments.

I wish you the best on this journey.


The anatomy of self-doubt

Do you find it hard to trust yourself? Are you scared of taking decisions because you’re afraid to make mistakes and bear the consequences?

Self-doubt is a thief who will steal your joy, your sense of self-worth and self-confidence; it will keep you in a stupor too fearful to try things out and discover their outcome.

Self–doubt immobilizes you with fear. You dread taking risks because you do not want to fail.

But the truth is, in life we can’t achieve much without stepping out to try things out and then see what we get at the end of the road. We only have to trust God at such moments to lead and guide us in the right direction, and to bring us back on track when we go astray.

What are some of the things that provoke self-doubt?

  • You’ve messed up too many times in life and you’re afraid to mess up another time. You prefer to play it safe this time.
  • You’ve been disappointed so often; you’d rather be careful.
  • You’ve been hurt too much; you won’t let it happen to you again; your guards are always up.
  • You’ve often been told you’re no good; you now belief it’s true. You don’t want to confirm that ugly report.
  • The devil is plaguing you with the spirit of fear and dread. You are under captivity and you need deliverance.
  • You just hate trying out new things; you’re the comfort zone kind of person.

Self-doubt in itself is not bad, especially the kind that pushes you to ask questions, try out new recipes and do research to find answers. This can actually lead to self-improvement which we all need.

What I’m talking about here is the kind of negative, tormenting self-doubt that makes you to devalue yourself and to doubt your own capability at achieving anything great.

When we understand that God has promised never to leave us or abandon us, that He will not be very angry with us for messing us, that He will readily take us back and continue to love us even when we’ve made mistakes, we will be more willing to take bold steps and to leap forward, counting on Him to see us through.

So what is the cure for self-doubt?

Trust that God knows your doubt and that He’s ready to give you answers when you ask him questions. Trust that He will faithfully guide and lead you along the way. Trust that Christ in you is wisdom, power and a sound mind.

Good luck to you all as you take bold steps and great leaps forward to achieve great things in this year 2016.

Tell me where you are coming from and I’ll relate to your message

I have an issue with preachers who behave like they were created in heaven and dropped off on earth for a special assignment after which they will be whirled to heaven in a chariot of fire.

  • Why not talk to me about the challenges you’ve faced in life?
  • Why not tell me about the night you cried yourself to sleep?
  • Why not share how you almost committed suicide?
  • I want to know how you got off those addictions.
  • I’ll like to hear how you went hungry for days because you had no job and no money.

Such confessions won’t make you a weak person; they tell me that you’ve come a long way with God; that you are where you are today because you’ve been able to overcome some hard stuff. It is prove that you’ve learned your lessons and are now qualified to teach me.

I do not agree with the philosophy that Jesus bore all the pain so we can’t suffer any longer. I don’t think it’s true that God can’t use suffering to teach us some stuff.

  • I believe God still uses pain to train
  • How can you show compassion to others if you were never ever in need of compassion yourself?
  • How can you help me in my healing journey if you never got hurt yourself?
  • How can you teach financial management if you never had to survive on limited resources before?

I don’t think we should unnecessarily accept suffering; but I also think that there are lessons we can learn only in the furnace. If that gold must shine, then let it go through the furnace.

If God picked you from the dust bin, washed you and gave you a message, preach it. There’s no point acting like you were born and bred in the palace. Don’t be ashamed of your source. God has turned your mess into a message, be humble enough to admit it.

Someone is waiting to get blessed by it. Be real.

Free to be me

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Never downgrade yourself in order to be accepted in lower circles,

Keep soaring.

Those who need you will upgrade themselves to your level

Then they will join your club.

Remember, many look up to you for inspiration and leadership.

Do not disappoint them because you want to please people who have refused to grow up.

You may stoop down to bring them up,

But never stoop too low as to become one of them.

The world needs the big you, the courageous you, the brave you.

Stoop to conquer.