I still remember the time I was chosen to pastor a church for a few months in the absence of our senior pastor. He had a sudden transfer to work in another city and there was need for someone to take care of the flock. At That time I was the intercessors’ leader. I was still trying to get a foot hold on service, especially in God’s vineyard. When I look back on those days I tell God, “Lord, your ways are really beyond my understanding. How could you have chosen to use a young woman suffering from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence …? How could you ever choose such a person to carry out such great a task? You are really awesome.”

But this experience let me to know that God does not work with those who are fully qualified. What He requires first and foremost is a willing heart and an open mind, then He will perfect us along the journey.

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As a preacher, writer, speaker, no matter what you are called to do, it should not come to you as a surprise if some of your messages hit you on the head or slap you back in the face. God is not using you because you are perfect. NO!

You are doing that thing you are doing right now first and foremost because you are available to do it. You are just the ordained instrument in God’s hand. You need that message just like your audience because you face the same challenges they face on a daily basis. You might be more mature in your way of handling them, but you do face them too.

This awareness will keep us humble and submissive to God. You will realize that it is only by His grace that you are where you are. This will help us to receive correction and suggestions knowing that it is not extra-qualification that got us there. We are not there because there is none to do a better job.

When I was chosen to pastor that church, there were people I sincerely considered more qualified than me; people I met already serving in that ministry; people who prayed for me when I needed healing and deliverance. But one day I was chosen to be “their” pastor. Wow! I was intimidated …It took God’s grace for me to stand behind that pulpit week after week, month after month with a microphone in hand.

…And God was faithful. He gave me such inspired messages that got people on their knees weeping, repenting and surrendering to God. But you know what? Those messages hit me more; I was just as broken, wounded and sore as they. I wasn’t any better than they. God surely has a sense of humor.

This experience has helped me to receive criticism and correction more easily because I know I am not doing what I’m doing because I’m the most qualified for the job. I’m simply a benefactor of God’s sovereign Grace. I am where I am because I carry God’s sovereign seal of spiritual authority.

When I come across a challenging situation in the process of fulfilling my assignment, I just look up to God and remind my self that I am in need of more of His Grace. I also remind myself that I have to keep learning…studying. I have not yet arrived.

Perhaps my God talk is a bit of a bore to you. Perhaps you do not believe so much in God given assignments and abilities etc. Let me put it this way.

Those who accomplish great things in life are not those who qualify from the start; it is those who allow themselves to be qualified in the process. Take that first step, that very small step, and then you will see yourself soaring on eagles’ wings some day.

My writing career started with me keeping a journal. Then it got to a level where I found myself scribbling things all over and everywhere. Then I started putting my scribbled lines into articles. Then one day I found myself writing books. That was my process to become a writer. How I laughed at myself the day I received a prophecy pointing to my writing career. I wondered to myself who will ever want to read a book written my “me.” I didn’t look like a Joyce Meyer or a John Maxwell… you get my point.

Don’t wait to be perfect before you start that thing God has laid in your heart to do. Just start something and then He will surprise you.

When people tell you that you aren’t qualified, remind them that God qualifies His own servants in the process.

For a start, you do not need a PhD and five years of experience for it. You will get the degrees in the process, and then people will heap some honorary ones on top when they see the fruit and the impact.

I have learnt not to question people’s qualification in relation to their job or assignment. I am tolerant to people who make mistakes in the course of their assignment (I made many myself). The only problem is when we refuse to be qualified in the process.

  • When we are resistant to change.
  • When we are too lazy to study and fill up the gaps in our knowledge.
  • When we are content with garbage in, garbage out standards.

It will be wrong for you to be content to render mediocre services to your audience, church or students year after year with the excuse that “when God called me I wasn’t qualified.” Whatever you are called to do, your education is your responsibility.

This not withstanding, every employer, God included, expects a basic level of qualification from the start. This will serve as a foundation on which future knowledge will be built. You might be called to preach, teach or in any other area where literacy is a real necessity. But you are stark illiterate. You could be destined to be a business executive but you never had a degree in business administration. But if you possess the following qualities, you could end up beating the top professionals.

  • A deep desire to know more
  • Inquisitiveness
  • Never giving up spirit
  • Good self-esteem

The greatest qualification for a start is the assurance that you are really called to do that thing; that you have the basic talent for it and are willing to get processed in the process.



The pursuit of your dream should not take you away from the dream-giver. It is not about you becoming famous, rich and celebrated. It is about establishing the kingdom of God on the earth. It is all about letting God do His will on earth through you.

How then can God do His will through you if you are disconnected from your of source of power, anointing and inspiration? Jesus gives us a stern warning in John 15:5 about trying to serve God without God. Sometimes we could become so purpose oriented that we rush ahead with our won plans leaving God behind. It is when we hit a wall that we look back and realize we left the ‘driver’ somewhere behind and raced ahead on our own.

Sometimes it is when we start drying up that we realize we are no longer connected to the vine. If we must bear fruit then we must receive nourishment from the vine every minute of every day. God has a word for you today. Do not be contented with what He told you last week.

Remember we are created for God’s pleasure and glory. He gives us the dream but He equally determines the timing and the funding. When we bring back the dream to Him in humility, He will give us the blueprint we require for its accomplishment.

If you run away from a dream God gave you, it could be that you stopped receiving the daily nourishment for its fulfillment.

Dream big; work with the Dream-Giver.



  • Joseph’s brothers saw it, understood it even before the lad knew what it was all about. They tried to kill it (Genesis 37:5-8).
  • David’s brother Eliab tried to talk him out of his giant-slaying destiny (1Samuel 17:27-29).
  • The crowd wanted to stifle Bartimaeus’ dream to see again (Mark 10:47-52).
  • Jesus’ family came to take him home because they thought his own dream was some form of madness (Mark 3:20-21).


  • Eli saw it in little Prophet Samuel and taught the boy how to hear from God (1 Samuel 3:8).
  • Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law gave him useful ideas on how to do ministry (Exodus 18:17l-24).
  • Naomi gave Ruth a strategy to win the love and respect of Boaz, her future husband (Ruth3:1-4).
  • Barnabas took Paul and taught him how to do the things of God. Paul was accepted in the brotherhood because of the former’s recommendation (Acts 9:26-28).

What is your own dream? Who are you telling it to? Do you know in what category they fall? Is your dream at risk because of the people you are telling it to?

I pray God will send the right people to help you achieve that dream that keeps you awake all night long.


You don’t know what you are asking for…Part 4

You must be wondering already if God delights in playing prangs on His children. NO! Of course not. I’m not trying to scare you away from your dream.

You might have already heard the portion of scripture which says when God blesses us He adds no sorrow to it (Proverbs 10:22).

I used to think that this passage means that when God blesses us He will not also give us sorrow to go with it. Now I understand it better. We know that only good things come from our God. So what is this passage saying?

God wants to give you all the good things He has in store for you; but can he trust you with them? Will you be able to manage them such that they do not become a trap, a disgrace and an embarrassment both to you and to your God?

There lies the reason why He will first of all take you through a training that will prepare you to be able to handle what He wants to put in your hands.

So do not be dismayed, if what you are going through now is in stark contrast to what you asked from God. If you can love that street kid like your own child, then you will be able to bring up the baby you asked from God.

Moreover, when God blesses you, He will not like that the blessing gets on your head and mess you up. He will first humble you, try you and prove you so that one day you will not try to put the gift first and the giver second place.

When you come to a place where you can genuinely say “I’m not afraid to lose anything because I’ve got nothing to lose, because all what I have belongs to God anyway…”, this is a sign of maturity, and God will not hesitate to add even more blessing into your account.


Good mentors are hard to find, but when you happen to come across one this is how you can tell:

He has respect for your dream.

He respects the things you are passionate about.

He does not try to force his own agenda on you.

He does not ridicule your inexperience and errors.

When you mess up, he corrects you with respect.

His intention is to see you become great, not to use you for his own greatness.

He can become hard, but with the intention of getting the best out of you.

He is ahead of you in the area you desire help in. Your mentor must be at least a step ahead of you, else you have nothing to learn from him.