We have this treasure in earthen vessels. 2 Corinthians 4:7

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We all carry gold within.

We all are full of great treasure inside

But it is all covered in dross, in rust and dust

And when we finally discover what we carry within

We will not rest until we bring it out

We will willingly bear the refiner’s fire

For we know what beauty will show and glow

Once the refiner’s job is done.

They don’t deserve it, but they need it: the place of love in the healing ministry

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Christian leadership usually reaches out to those who are in great need. Most often we are called to minister to people who are going through a lot of trauma which could be physical, emotional or spiritual. This category of people needs our compassion and sympathy the most. In fact, they need our love more than any other group of individuals.

When Jesus saw the multitude He was moved with compassion to heal all their sicknesses and liberate all the captives. After ministering to them He then told them to stay out of the mess.

Love and compassion are very necessary ingredients when it comes to administering healing and deliverance.

This is especially so because those we are called to minister to might be very “undeserving” and “unworthy” people according to our human wisdom and calculation.

Most of them do not know God. Some do not want any relationship with God. They want a quick fix and that’s it.

How then do we reach out to such individuals without judging them in relation to their attitude and character? How do we show love to those who are hurting, yet despise and ridicule our faith?

It takes a heart that has been remolded by God himself; a heart that can love unconditionally; a heart that can love the unlovable.

God is looking for such vessels so that He can fill them with His anointing and then use them to reach out to a hurting world.





Go for the Roses, God will take care of the Thorns

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Never let the thorns keep you off the garden. Target the roses and trust God to handle the thorns for you.

Be open minded because He alone chooses the mode of operation.

He could choose to help you navigate untouched through the thorns.

He could choose to pull them off and give you free access to the roses.

He could choose to leave them there and give you the grace to live happily with them (I’ve not met anyone yet who asked for this third option; it’s rather unpopular).

God created the roses; He knows they have thorns on them. Don’t get stuck at that.

Don’t let the thorns keep you off your dream.