I am, I can, I will…wait a minute; really?

I’m anointed, I’m talented, I can do this thing… I’ll do it.

Yes you can, but does it all depend on your gifting and anointing? Aren’t you leaving out something or maybe SOMEONE?

I’ll like to talk about gifting, talent, anointing and the place of God in this.

I’m gifted, talented and anointed, so why can’t I just call the shots when, where and how I want? Do I really need God’s opinion seeing He’s already given me all I need for this project? If He didn’t want me to do it, would He give me all these tools? Do I really need His opinion here?

But check this out:

  • Our gifting and anointing does not place us above God’s sovereignty.
  • No matter how anointed or gifted we are we can’t force God to do what He won’t.
  • Our gifting and anointing is nothing else but God working through us, so we must submit to Him to get the best results.
  • God’s will is greater and more important than our anointing and gifting.
  • Sometimes we can be tempted to use our gifts and anointing for the wrong purposes, so we still need Him to guide us along.
  • When we focus only on our gifts and anointing leaving God out of the game we could become proud and too self-confident to give Him the glory.
  • In everything God must be the overall leader; we can’t drag Him along. He shows us the way. He must be GOD for the universe to function normally.
  • No matter how heavy the branch is with fruit, it still needs the roots and the stem to sustain itself. A declaration of independence here will be fatal.

So, no matter how gifted, talented and anointed we are we still need God; we need to work in collaboration and synchronization with, and submission to Him if we desire the best results with no embarrassments along the way.

The attitude with which we use our gifts and anointing will either ensure a continuous flow and an increase, or a steady reduction till the tap runs dry.


Passing the submission test


What if you aren’t going to have that mega church you so dream of having?

  • What if God does not heal you when you want and how you want it?
  • What if you’re asked to serve in an environment you really don’t like?
  • What if you are required to work with people you don’t like?
  • What if the finances you’re expecting don’t come in?
  • What if that kid you’re praying for dies anyway?
  • Will you like Job’s wife desire to Curse God and die?
  • Will you succumb to pressure from your followers and do it your way like King Saul?
  • Will you like David say “your will be done?”
  • Will you go consult “the witch of Endor” like Saul
  • Will you try to prove to God He’s unfair like Job?

Sometimes the trials we go through are a test for us to express what lies dormant in our hearts.

I pray you won’t fail your test as a leader in God’s school of ministry.



Selflessness: A leader’s heart

Let’s examine an episode in the rich life of King David that is recorded in Second Samuel chapter 15.

David is informed about the conspiracy against his leadership organized by his son Absalom.

He has the man power and ability to overthrow this rebellion and maintain his position as king. This can be verified by the number and caliber of enemies he’s defeated in the past.

But David decides to flee. He leaves the throne and the glory and gets out of Jerusalem.

Why does the King decide to flee in spite of his ability to overthrow his adversary?

  • In verse 14 of the above passage he explains to his entourage that if he stays behind Absalom will destroy the city and endanger innocent lives. He does not want to put other people’s lives in danger because of his leadership position.
  • The selfless love he has for his son will not allow him to stand and fight even if he has the full right to do so.
  • He puts his trust in God and believes that the God who put him on the throne is well able to restore him to his position if necessary (2 Samuel 15:25-26).
  • David does not carry the Ark of the Covenant of God out of the city as a sure protection for himself. He gives priority to the people and asks the priest to carry the Ark back to the city.


  • Christian leadership puts God first, the people second and then self interest later.
  • A Christian leader considers himself/herself as a servant and a steward of God’s inheritance and grace. He’s not the proprietor.

What do you think about leaders who will rather see their people suffer than step down from power?

They don’t deserve it, but they need it: the place of love in the healing ministry

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Christian leadership usually reaches out to those who are in great need. Most often we are called to minister to people who are going through a lot of trauma which could be physical, emotional or spiritual. This category of people needs our compassion and sympathy the most. In fact, they need our love more than any other group of individuals.

When Jesus saw the multitude He was moved with compassion to heal all their sicknesses and liberate all the captives. After ministering to them He then told them to stay out of the mess.

Love and compassion are very necessary ingredients when it comes to administering healing and deliverance.

This is especially so because those we are called to minister to might be very “undeserving” and “unworthy” people according to our human wisdom and calculation.

Most of them do not know God. Some do not want any relationship with God. They want a quick fix and that’s it.

How then do we reach out to such individuals without judging them in relation to their attitude and character? How do we show love to those who are hurting, yet despise and ridicule our faith?

It takes a heart that has been remolded by God himself; a heart that can love unconditionally; a heart that can love the unlovable.

God is looking for such vessels so that He can fill them with His anointing and then use them to reach out to a hurting world.





How focused are you? Take the test.

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Certainty is born out of conflict

You’ll never know whether you’re focused until something tries to pull you out of your chosen path.

Temptations and distractions can help you establish priorities if they are well managed.

  • Should I marry or pursue a career?
  • Do I choose adventure or my studies?
  • Should I cook supper for him or take a cup tea and go to bed?
  • Should I go to church or to the party?

When you face attractive alternatives and choose to remain faithful to your chosen course, then you know you are a focused and purpose-driven person.

“It’s your fault; it’s my effort”

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A humble leader will take the blame and give the credit.

When things go wrong, “It’s my fault, I should have known; I should have predicted this…”

When things go right, “It’s thanks to the effort of my team; they’re an amazing group to work with…”

Rather than

When things go wrong, “It’s your fault; you’re all so incompetent”.

When things go right, “It’s thanks to my talent and ingenuity”.

When the leader starts taking all the credit and dishing out all the blame, we are just a step away from discontent and rebellion.

When a leader takes the blame it opens up an avenue for self-improvement.

When they take only the credit they can easily slump into a comfort zone and fail to predict future errors.

Discipline and sanctions: two delicate tools in the hand of a leader

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Discipline and sanctions, when well-handled can be effective tools for the leader to get things moving in the right direction and with the right perspective.

But the abuse or misuse of these tools could have very negative consequences.

As a leader you should ask yourself these questions when faced with the possibility of meting out discipline or sanctions:

Why is it necessary at this point in time?

What is the expected outcome of this?

Who is the beneficiary in this?

Wrong motives for meting out discipline and sanctions

To earn the respect of others and gain influence

To establish one’s authority, “I’m the one in charge here…”

As a means to revenge or get back at someone who hurt you in the past

To degrade and humiliate a rival

To silence opposition and dissenting voices

As an attempt to hide your weaknesses and failures

When discipline and sanctions become tools that benefit more the leader rather than those who are led and the organization, they become dangerous tools.

  • There is always a better way to establish your authority as a leader and earn respect from those you lead.
  • Avoid dishing out sanctions when you are still in that mood that provoked the decision to sanction the individual in question.
  • Postpone the sanction; reexamine the motive to see if you still feel the same the next day.

As a leader what are your motives for meting out discipline and sanctions in your home, organization, church, classroom…? Share.