Today I’ll like to look at leadership in the classroom. I’m considering the teacher to be the one in the leadership position here.

How can I lead in the classroom without becoming bossy or lousy? I’ll like to share my experiences in this area.

First of all we need to know a few truths about the youth we have under our care.

  • Students neither like nor have any respect for dictatorial teachers.
  • They are suspicious when you become too bossy.
  • They want to be heard and not seen only.
  • They want to be understood and not hated when they make jokes.
  • Undeserved punishment will provoke very negative reactions.
  • They are comfortable with teachers who sometimes come down to their level of experience without losing their own dignity.
  • They like teachers who are firm but just in their decisions; they respect such leaders.
  • Most of them are always trying to self-assert. They need to be understood and guided.

So, how do I manage my classroom as a teacher/leader in the face of the above reality?

  • Be just, but be respectful in your justice.
  • Establish the rules and never back down because you feel threatened.
  • Be firm, but avoid unjustifiable punishment.
  • Relax, smile and contribute in the joke, even when you are the target.
  • Know when to get out of the joke into more serious issues.
  • Don’t try to portray yourself as the superman who never makes mistakes; they will help you make some, and then they will laugh at you.
  • Show compassion to those who deserve it without provoking pity for them.
  • Be the example or model, but without too much self-publicity.
  • Give them their required dose, and don’t promise what you can’t afford.
  • Don’t try to please everyone. Strive to give everyone what they need.

Good luck in your teaching career. Have a positive impact on the future generation.